Friday, January 17, 2025
Information Technology

Web X.0

One of the popular topics of recent times is web 3.0 and/or web 4.0 technologies. While we were all just hearing about the concept of web 3.0, the fast-changing technology world immediately presented us with web 4.0. So, what are these web X.0 technologies, let’s explain without going into too much detail.

Web 1.0: It can be summarized as the ancestor of web technologies or, in crude terms, the primitive web. This period, which was common in 1991-2004, was the period in which little content was produced and the contents were only viewed by users. In other words, simple websites were visited only through browsers, users could only view pre-created static content and could not contribute to the content.

Web 2.0: With Web 2.0, users now see ready-made content, but they also started to contribute to this content. While this situation is both the cause and result of some technological developments, it has brought with it podcasts, Personal Blog, Social media etc. that most of us are an active part of today. In other words, users also became content creators. You can publish a song you have composed, a video or picture you have taken, or you can share your personal experiences and ideas with a blog. Although this may seem like a simple phenomenon at first glance, we should not forget that all digital marketing tools currently used use these technologies and products.

Web 3.0: Web 3.0, on the other hand, can now be described as personalized content and design, instead of showing the same content to everyone. For example, the search engine results in a browser you use constantly and the search engine results in another browser that you do not use actively differ. Or, the results shown to you will differ from the results of a different person in the same search. This technology is called Semantic or semantic web, and together with the contents of the website, the meanings of the contents also make a difference.

Web 4.0: Web 4.0 is the web technology in which fully virtualized infrastructures are used. Of course, Augmented reality and artificial intelligence infrastructures are important parts of   these technologies. The biggest benefit of this technology is that users can use related applications directly in the virtual infrastructure without installing an application on their own terminals. Of course, very high connection speeds are required to achieve this.

Technology is advancing rapidly, we will see together how this rapid progress of technology will affect web technologies and our lives and what it will bring.

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